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Membership Pin


Limited Edition Membership Pin

The Organization for Paranormal Understanding and Support is proud to offer to the general public (for the first time) our limited edition Black & Gold Membership Pin.


The sometimes disturbing nature of anomalous experiences might lead an individual to seek professional help, but because these experiences often fall outside the realm of what is considered “normal” there is sometimes a lack of professionals willing to work with these issues.  OPUS has recognized the need for a clearinghouse where an experiencer can receive assistance in choosing a professional who is knowledgeable about a particular experience in question.  When appropriate, OPUS refers experiencers to physicians, licensed mental health practitioners, consultants, investigators, and alternative assistance.


OPUS also refers to support groups where experiencers can share feelings and concerns without fear of ridicule or embarrassment, while learning to accept and cope with what has happened and move towards a healthy way of dealing with it.  In the event that a support group does not exist in an experiencer’s location, OPUS has established an “on line” support group that can be accessed by the members 24/7.


OPUS is a non-profit tax-exempt corporation formed for the public good and is recognized by the I.R.S. under section 501© 3. Its activities are guided by an executive council, headed by June Steiner PhD., C.H.T., around which is created the larger network of volunteers, mental and medical practitioners, and other experts in various fields.


So please join our team in spreading the word (and wearing your pin) that OPUS is here to provide help to those experiencing these anomalous events and we look forward to hearing from you and working with you in this important endeavor.

Purchase the Pin and
Support OPUS for $30 (US)
Limited Edition
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